ºÜ¶àÊý¾Ý¿âÔÚÉè¼ÆʱδÄܺܺõĹ滮Êý¾Ý¿âµÄÈÝÁ¿, µ¼ÖÂÔÚijЩÇé¿öÏÂ, µ¼ÖÂÒ»¸ö±íÖдæ·ÅÁËÊý°ÙÍò, ÊýǧÍòÉõÖÁÉÏÒÚÌõ¼Ç¼, ά»¤ÆðÀ´·Ç³£µÄ²»±ã, ÏÂÃæ½éÉÜÒ»ÖÖ½«·Ç·ÖÇø±íת»»Îª·ÖÇø±íµÄ·½·¨. testtb_nopartÊÇÒ»¸ö·Ç·ÖÇø±í, »ù±¾ÐÅÏ¢ÈçÏÂ: SQL> desc testtb_nopart Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- TIMESTAMP DATE OWNER VARCHAR2(30) ACTION VARCHAR2(6) OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(128) MESSENG VARCHAR2(169)
SQL> select to_char(timestamp, 'mm-yyyy'), count(*) from testtb_nopart group by to_char(timestamp, 'mm-yyyy');
TO_CHAR COUNT(*) ------- ---------- 12-2005 2058125 11-2005 1363431 08-2005 150951 10-2005 628149 07-2005 1006340 09-2005 730410
6 rows selected.
´´½¨·ÖÇø±ítesttb_part, ½á¹¹ºÍtesttb_nopartÒ»ÖÂ. create table testtb_part (timestamp date, owner varchar2(30), action varchar2(6), object_name varchar2(128) , messeng varchar2(169)) tablespace testts partition by range(timestamp)( partition rest values less than (maxvalue))
½»»»testtb_nopartºÍtesttb_partÖÐpart·ÖÇøµÄÊý¾Ý SQL> alter table testtb_part exchange partition rest with table testtb_nopart;
Table altered.
SQL> select to_char(timestamp, 'mm-yyyy'), count(*) from testtb_nopart group by to_char(timestamp, 'mm-yyyy');
no rows selected
SQL> c/nopart/part/ 1* select to_char(timestamp, 'mm-yyyy'), count(*) from testtb_part group by to_char(timestamp, 'mm-yyyy') SQL> /
TO_CHAR COUNT(*) ------- ---------- 12-2005 2058125 11-2005 1363431 08-2005 150951 10-2005 628149 07-2005 1006340 09-2005 730410
6 rows selected.
testtb_nopartÖдóÔ¼ÓÐ50ÍòÌõ¼Ç¼, Õ¼ÓÃ600m×óÓÒ¿Õ¼ä, ½»»»´óÔ¼ÓÃÁ˲»µ½30ÃëÖÓ, testtb_partºÍtesttb_nopartËùÔڵıí¿Õ¼äҲûÓÐÃ÷ÏÔÔö³¤.
¶Ôrest·ÖÇø½øÐвð·Ö SQL> alter table testtb_part split partition rest at (to_date('200508','yyyymm')) 2 into (partition part08, partition rest);
Table altered.
SQL> alter table testtb_part split partition rest at (to_date('200509','yyyymm')) 2 into (partition part08, partition rest);
Table altered.
SQL> alter table testtb_part split partition rest at (to_date('200510','yyyymm')) 2 into (partition part09, partition rest);
Table altered.
SQL> alter table testtb_part split partition rest at (to_date('200511','yyyymm')) 2 into (partition part10, partition rest);
Table altered.
SQL> alter table testtb_part split partition rest at (to_date('200512','yyyymm')) 2 into (partition part11, partition rest);
Table altered.
SQL> alter table testtb_part split partition rest at (to_date('200601','yyyymm')) 2 into (partition part12, partition rest);
Table altered.
×îºó¿ÉÒÔÖØÃüÃû±í, ʹµÃת»»¹ý³Ì²»Ó°ÏìÓû§³ÌÐò. alter table testtb_part rename to testtb_nopart |